Monday, March 7, 2011

3 month Owen update

I finally got Owen to giggle today (he already giggled for Joe once last week)! So fun - he is starting to develop a personality. He is such a happy and smiley baby. He coos and goos all the time. He also loves to watch his big brother. He is trying very hard to roll over from back to front, and he is so close, it is going to be any day now. His hair is growing in blonde! Well, a dark blond just like his brother. But his baby hair never fell out so it is really funny, his hair is dark brown on the ends and blonde at the roots.
Oh, he had his 2 month check up a few weeks ago, and is in the 97th percentile for height and head circumference, and 90th percentile for weight! He got 3 shots and it went well.
He is still waking up twice a night to eat, so no sleep for us yet, but he is getting on somewhat of a predictable schedule.
I feel like I am getting the hang of having 2 kids, but it is still busy, busy, busy every day! I will have to update on Cameron later - both kids are finally asleep so I am going to sleep now!!!