Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Grandma Zache Visit

My Grandma (Cameron and Owen's Great-Grandma) came up to visit last weekend for 5 days. It was great! She said she came to "help", and that is exactly what she did! She helped watch the kids, cook, and clean. It was like a mini-vacation for me. Then my parents came up Sunday for Easter dinner and stayed until Monday afternoon, which was good because Cameron was up all night Sunday throwing up everywhere! So Monday Joe went to work on about 3 hours of sleep, and my parents and Grandma helped do a ton of laundry and watch the kids. It is crazy how much busier life is with 2 kids!

So Easter weekend was great, with an Easter egg hunt, Easter dinner, and church with Grandma (we left the kids at home with Joe for that). We have a ton of good pictures but I tried to pick only a few. Cameron loved Easter this year and kept asking "Where is the Easter bunny?"

As you can see from the pics, Owen is drinking bottles now (he gets formula every-other feeding), and he also likes his jumper that he can stand up in. He had his 4 month check up a couple weeks ago, and he was almost 16 pounds (75%) and 28 in long (off the charts!), so still a big boy for his age.

Monday, April 11, 2011

My BIG boy!

Cameron is SUCH a big boy lately! He is growing so fast. He turned 2 1/2 today! Well, the big news is a couple weeks ago Cameron climbed/fell out of his crib. Yes, he was still in a crib, I was waiting until I absolutely HAD to move him into a bed (mostly because I was so afraid he would not stay in the bed). Well, the day he fell out of the crib we went to Ikea and he picked out his new big boy bed! It is so cute, it has a canopy tent over the top with stars on it, and the blanket has cars and trucks, and we got a ladybug nightlight for on the wall. The bed even flips over upside down and becomes a bunk bed when he is older. He was very excited, and he has been doing surprisingly well! We close the door and let him play and read in his room, and after a while he just gets into bed and goes to sleep! It is amazing. His bedtime has been much later, usually around 10m, because he can get out and play, but he is still taking a nap in the afternoon which I am very happy about. This picture is from the first night before bed. (Since we took these pics we switched the bed the other way to the head of the bed is by the window, and we took out the ladder so he can't climb up it!).
He also got a Skuut bike for Christmas that he can finally use outside since the snow has melted. So cute, it has no pedals for training wheels, they just skoot along the ground with their feet. Joe also went out last weekend and bought himself a new bike AND a bike trailer for the kids! He has taken Cam on a few bike rides already, but Owen is too young to go until next summer. (Yes, I know his helmet and seatbelt are not on correctly, but that was the only way he would wear it!).
It is amazing how much he is talking now, full sentences all the time. He says the funniest things sometimes. He cracks me up every day (and he also challenges me every day with his terrible twos)! Like today he went across the street to the neighbors and said, "Hi Ryan! What are you doing? Can I play basketball?" He is in the question phase now. Everything is "What is that?" and he always asks "What is her/his name?" and "What does that do?". Yesterday when Joe went outside he said "Daddy be careful, it is raining outside." He recognizes all letters and numbers and can count to 30 and is singing songs now. He also counts to 10 and says many words in Spanish (thanks to Dora the Explorer). He is still a giant ball of energy and never stops moving. He still loves his little brother and has been so good with him. Next step is potty training!