Owen 6 month Update
Well, Owen is almost 1 week away from being 7 months old already! We had his 6 month check up on Friday (he was more like 6 1/2 months), and he is still a big boy! He weighs 18lb 7oz (75%), 29 inches long (97%) and head circumference 18 inches (97%). So Sarah, you were right, he does have a big head. I think someday in the near future he is going to be bigger than Cameron, and in the far off future he is going to be bigger than Joe (and way bigger than me). Shots went well and he is a healthy boy.
He is very happy and content, and loves watching Cameron. He is rolling like crazy, and starting to scoot forward. He is saying "dada" a lot, but it is hard to tell if he is talking about Joe or just babbling. I think he might be getting teeth because he was up a few times the other night. Lately he has been waking up 1-2 times a night, and he wants to eat a little before he goes back to sleep (he sleeps from 8pm-7am). He takes 3 naps and is a good sleeper during the day, now if only he would sleep through the night! At least Cameron sleeps 11 hours straight so that helps.
He is ticklish and has the cutest laugh. I think he might crawl soon since he is scooting and he gets up on his elbows and knees. He is eating baby food and cereal, and about 6 weeks ago he went to all formula, so no more breastfeeding!
I could go on forever, but on another note, Cameron went in the potty twice today - woo hoo!