Friday, July 1, 2011

Big boys!

Ok, I just am so proud of my boys I had to write about it! In the last week Cameron has become potty trained! He just started doing it on his own one day, and has been going ever since! Ok, so I bribed him a little with chocolate chips, but whatever works, right? And of course I had to let him do it all on his own, because anything I tell him to do lately he does the complete opposite. So I made it seem like it was all his idea, ha ha! And the trick was to have him naked from the waist down at all time when we are inside or in the backyard. If we go in the front we put on elastic waist shorts to easy access. And no pull ups - it only took a few accidents until he realized he didn't like to be wet. And outside we have a "pee rock" in back so we don't have to worry about running inside. But now he wants nothing to do with the big boy underwear, he just wants to be naked all the time!

And, Owen is crawling! And he got a tooth! I guess that explains why he was waking up so much last week. And he pulled himself up to stand today at the coffee table! And he can get into a sit up position all on his own! So yesterday I lowered the crib mattress to as low as it can go. Here is a pic of him when he was crawling in the grass in the backyard - I put him on a blanket, and he saw his little baby pool and crawled over to it and started splashing like crazy! As you can see he likes water and likes to be wet.

We love going to Lake Calhoun in the summer and playing at the playground and beach and walking around the lake. Cam loves the slide! I had to include my Supermom picture - pushing the baby while carrying Cam on my shoulders. Cam was tired of walking. It was a good workout I guess!

Tomorrow we are leaving for a week vacation at the Biller's cabin. It is our one family vacation of the year (our last vacation was last 4th of July), so LOTS of pics to come!