It's another BOY!!!
Well, we thought we were 20 weeks, but the ultrasound said we are really over 21 weeks along (which is what I thought originally, which puts the due date Thanksgiving weekend). Everything on the ultrasound looked very healthy, and the baby was laying sideways (which is the same thing Cameron was doing in his ultrasound, and he eventually flipped head down so I am not worried). The little guy weighs 15 oz which sounds so funny, but that's right where he should be at this point. Some of the pictures from the ultrasound show the baby's legs stretched out straight which was funny. He has a lot of room in there right now but not for long! My last appointment went well, and I have gained 10 pounds which is right where I should be. People keep telling me I look small, but I know I am right on track, and I know very soon I am going to start popping out big time!
Everything else has been going well, Cameron has been keeping us busy as usual. Every day is a new adventure with him, and he is starting to enter the terrible twos already (and he doesn't turn 2 for 2 1/2 months). But for the most part he is a really good boy and makes us laugh every day. Joe burped the other day, and Cameron said, "Bless you!" He is already saying 3 word phrases. I love that he can talk so much and tell me what he wants, but it is also hard when he asks for "yogurt raisins" about 50 times a day!
He loves babies, but I don't think he understands that this baby that is coming is staying forever! That will be very interesting, since he is used to having Momma's attention 24/7. Well, we will see how it goes in about 19 weeks or so!