Cameron's 2nd birthday!
We had a lot of fun in Madison for Cameron's 2nd birthday! It is funny how different the 2nd birthday is than the 1st. He had lots of fun opening presents and playing the with toys and of course eating cake. Before his birthday I would ask him what he wanted for his birthday, and every time he would say "cake!". He likes to go around the room and say hi to everyone using their names. Like "Hi Great-Grandma" or "Hi Uncle Sid" (who is in the background of the picture - he was celebrating his 60th birthday that day as well!). Oh, we also went to the Badger homecoming football game with Joe's boss that day as well, and Grandma babysat, and the Badgers beat the Gophers, so that was fun.
He is such a silly boy lately, I think he could keep a whole room entertained for hours. He is also in the terrible twos for sure. He has had some major temper tantrums lately when he doesn't get his way! He is becoming very strong willed and independent very fast (especially around me). But he also makes me laugh EVERY day. He says the funniest things sometimes! He is talking so good it is a little scary sometimes the words that come out of his mouth - I just think where in the world did you learn that? I think one of the longer sentences he has said lately was, "Mommy carry me downstairs, watch Umi Zoomi now, bring milk." His favorite show is called Team Umi Zoomi and he has to watch it every day. I have to be careful because if it was up to him I think he would watch it ten times a day!
I got part of a tummy shot in one of the pictures. I will be 34 weeks in a few days (8 1/2 months). I can't believe it is only about 6 weeks away. I can't wait! But I am also starting to get very nervous about how Cameron will react. I am also trying to figure out childcare for Cameron for when we are in the hospital, and some help for after the baby is born. This is one of those time I REALLY wish we lived close to our families. But I know it will be stressful but all work out somehow in the end. We are now staying in town until the baby is born, and Joe has one last business trip next week and then is staying home until the baby is born. So we will be nesting for the next month or so, and trying to get some Christmas shopping done early since baby is due in early December! I think we have a name picked out but we are keeping it a secret, and we are not going to decide for sure until we see the baby (like we did with Cameron)!
Oh, AND I celebrated my 30th birthday last week! We had a couple friends over for a laid back dinner and cake and presents, which was nice since I told Joe not to get me anything. He always knows how to surprise and spoil me!