I had my 37 week check up today! Joe got off work early and was supposed to come with, but instead he ended up staying home with Cameron who is sick with a croupy cough and horrible runny nose. We have not had much sleep the past couple days since Cam is waking up at night and not napping during the day because of his coughing. I guess it is good practice for having a newborn again!
Anyway, the check up went well and everything is normal. No changes since last time. The Midwife said she thinks I will deliver around 39 weeks based on my last pregnancy and my progress this time. So that is exciting, only about 2 weeks away! She estimates the baby is about 7 pounds, so he will be about 8 pounds by delivery (just like Cameron). No recent belly pics, since I only gained half a pound since last week.
I am feeling ok overall, but I have been having so much back and rib pain. The Midwife said 2nd pregnancies are usually more painful because you are carrying and lifting and running after your older child all day. That is so true, I have had to be much more active this pregnancy, and my back is feeling the pain! I am ready for this baby to come any day now!
I tried downloading some pics from Cam's gymnastics class, but they are not working for some reason. But Joe came last week so we took some pictures. He is going to get off work a little early now on Thursdays to meet us at class, because I am having trouble lifting Cam onto the equipment. But we had lots of fun at the last class, and Cam loved walking on the high beam and jumping off at the end, and jumping on the trampoline!